
Dictionary Section

Explanations to the Dictionary section


creates a dictionary entry for a dynamic data field. As parameters are to be specified:

  • the (unique) name of the dynamic data field (an identifier)
  • a description of the dynamic data field, multilingual This specification is optional.
  • an integer which serves as a further (unique) identifier of the dynamic data field
  • the type
  • the type of a referenced object must be specified if the type POINTER, COLLECTION, REL_11, REL_1M, REL_M1 or REL_MN has been specified
  • a translation table for enumerations or a table of default values for data fields of type STRING (which can be used with a combo box). This specification is optional.


Slot(length, T("Länge", "Length"), 42, CX_VALUE)

This entry defines a slot named "length" with the number 42, whose content must be of type CX_VALUE and which is described in German as "Länge", in English as "Length".


creates a dictionary entry for an 'ordinary' data field. This is used to link the data field to one of the above tables. The parameters are to be specified:

  • the name of the data field (an identifier)
  • the type
  • a table (see above)


assigns a unique number to a name (specifierName). Specifiers generate further names for dynamic data fields: If there is a data field agreed with 'Slot(slotName, ...)', then also


a dynamic data field (different from 'slotName').


assigns a number - from the range 0 ... 127 - to a dynamic data field. 127 - to a dynamic data field. The ClassiX® system requires this information if an index is to be generated via a dynamic data field (for the implicit assignment of a query function).

Retrieve(. . .)

assigns a number to the call of the pseudo function Retrieve - which the ClassiX® system needs for the implicit assignment of a (real) query function. Retrieve(...) with a special parameter constellation may only be used in the InstantView® program code if it has been registered exactly in this way. Ordinal numbers in the range 0 ... 127 can be assigned.
If the call to Retrieve does not return an object, the type of the return value must be specified: Retrieve(expression, n) returns typeName
Retrieve with more than one access expression Retrieve(expr1, ..., exprn) always returns a (special) object. A type specification for the return value is not required for this form.

Based on the information in this section, the ClassiX® system builds up the transient system dicitonary at startup.